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Video – ConfiguratorWebinar On-Demandwebinar PLM

WEBINAR ON DEMAND | RuleDesigner Configurator | Global product development


RuleDesigner: Product Configurator

RuleDesigner makes operative the mass customization and product customization models, involving the customer already in the early stages of development; supports the transition from traditional design paradigms, where the responsibility of designers is product design, to new models where designers are involved in the design of components that can be configured by the customer, who becomes the ultimate designer.

Find out why the product configurator is the ideal solution to make these strategies operational and learn more about the characteristics it must have to allow you to enjoy the benefits of automation in all business processes by involving external collaborators and stakeholders.

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Corporate culture is being stressed by new paradigms that allow surprising results to be achieved in terms of design quality, costs and people involvement. The role of the integration technology between the various platforms and RuleDesigner proved to be the only solution that could guarantee the management of the company's enormous historical heritage, guaranteeing a modernization in the flows and methodologies of each individual role

Gabriele CaccinTechnical Information Systems Manager

The introduction of the No-Code approach has made it possible to activate simpler and more flexible management of the configurator. For me it was a real revolution because I went from having to depend on the supplier for any changes to implementing and testing the changes myself.

Giovanni OstacchiniTechnical Sales Manager - Koenig & Bauer

A Lean corporate management philosophy combined with the implementation of RuleDesigner®, as the company's reference information system, has allowed us to obtain complete, real-time visibility of the order status, converging towards a customer-oriented vision at the lowest cost

Operation Manager - Modulblok spaAndrea Peressi
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