Drive the PTC Creo 3D CAD System to create design automation and product configuration procedures
RuleDesigner Configurator is both integrated with Creo parametric design software and with Windchill collaborative software for design automation processes and advanced product configuration.
RuleDesigner Configurator extends the CAD design automation advantages and the product configuration also to the Creo parametric and Windchill users.
RuleDesigner Configurator has several actions able to execute typical operations of the two environments such as: open, upload and close Creo file, renominate files in session, regenerate assemblies and parts, assembly components, modify parameters, execute predefined functions from the users, substitute components, activate or extrude features, documents check out, connection to the workspace windchill and emptying.
RuleDesigner Configurator allows also to extend the configurations beyond the technical department by integrating the company processes like CRM, Project Management, Service, Marketing and Salesforce automation.