RuleDesigner is the only configurator on the market for the extended company
Design Automation
Integration with Autodesk Inventor and Vault
With RuleDesigner Configurator you can automate the design of products characterized by a high degree of customization and thus allowing project managers to improve or develop new products.
It is able to pilot Autodesk Inventor and the most popular 2D/3D CAD systems for:
-Generate geometries and assemblies automatically based on the set of configured rules
-Configure properties, variables, options, links and attributes
-Create and update cartouche and boards
The feature of RuleDesigner Configurator is its cross-functionality that allows to extend the use of configuration processes in the technical environment including automation on Vault and in the enterprise field.
With RuleDesigner Configurator you can automate the product design characterized by a high degree of customization and thus allowing project managers to improve or develop new products.
Integration with Solid Edge, Nx and Teamcenter
RuleDesigner Configurator is able to pilot SolidEdge and Nx beside the most popular 2D/3D CAD systems for:
-Generate geometries and assemblies automatically based on the set of configured rules
-Configure properties, variables, options, links and attributes
-Create and update cartouche and boards
Moreover RuleDesigner Configurator is also integrated with Teamcenter, and thus it can retrieve and deposit geometric models in the archive managed by TeamCenter PDM.
Integration with PTC Creo and Windchill
RuleDesigner Configurator integrated with Creo parametric 2.0 design software and PTC Windchill collaborative management software for design automation and advanced product configuration processes. RuleDesigner Configurator extends the benefits of the automatic CAD design and product configuration to Creo parametric 2.0 and Windchill users. There are many actions of RuleDesigner Configurator able to perform typical operations of the two environment such as: open, load and close files of Creo 2.0, rename files in session, regenerate assemblies and parts, assemble components, modify parameters, perform functions user-defined, replace components, activate or suppress feature, document check out, connection to windchill workspace and emptying. RuleDesigner Configurator also allows to extend configurations beyond technical office by integrating the business processes of CRM, Project Management, Service, Marketing and Salesforce automation.
Integration with Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS
With RuleDesigner Configurator you can automate products design which are characterized by a high degree of customization and thus it allows project managers to improve or develop new products.
RuleDesigner Configurator is able to pilot Solidworks in addition to the most common 2D/3D CAD systems:
-Generate geometries and assemblies automatically based on the set of configured rules
-Configure properties, variables, options, links and attributes
-Create and update cartouches and boards
Integration with 2D/3D CAD systems and PDM applications
Pilot single functions of CAD design systems and PDM applications to automate design and archiving technical data.
Sales configuration of complex products
Generation of complete proposals for quotations, images, contents, Excel elaborations, tables and technical documents.
The process pilots the creation of descriptive documents with descriptions, contents, images and quotation with the configured product. Offers are full of information and explanatory data, they are homogenous and correct for a better customer service and a better evasion process.
Special bids management and approval workflow
It is possible to manage special sales conditions by submitting specific approval workflows.
Generation of sales List/ Product Structure
The sales list is created automatically by the product configuration which is the structure of the serial number.
Services and warranty configuration
Guided definition of services and warranty contracts supplied with the product. Automatic setting of prices and discounts reserved with rules based on configurable parameters. Define your rules to automatically inherit prices and discounts applicable for each customer.
CRM Synchronization
Synchronization with CRM system allows to inherit and update existing data during the configuration phase. It is also possible to proceed with the creation of personal data and new contacts during the offer stage.
Opportunity workflow automation
The bids issued can be automatically archived in the CRM system and introduced into the opportunity workflow management, with the possibility of revising the configurations during the negotiation phase.
Automatic offer population with customer data
Customer records and relevant information populate the offer documents automatically, eliminating the data manual access.
Traceability of offers issued with the history file versions
With RuleDesigner, the data generated is stored in repositories responsible for the sales management with a complete traceability of the version history and the introduction into the correct approval workflow.
Acquisition of data for the management of opportunities for the purpose of forecasting sales
Creation of business opportunities and workflow automation with acquisition of information on sales forecasts such as closing date, probability of success, competitors, ect.
Product configuration
Guided configuration of the desired product by selecting the possible features and values.
Serial number configuration and product structure
Serial number generation and sales product structure produced with association to customer personal data.
Generation of geometries and CAD models
Generation of geometries and CAD models with the most popular design systems such as: SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, Catia, PTC Creo, Nx…
Generation of multilevel configured BOM
Automatic generation of the BOM relative to the configured product.
Sales configuration offer
Offer configuration: quotation, descriptive contents and contextualized images to the configured product.
Warranties configuration
Warranties configuration (typology, value, expire date) associated to the customer and serial number.
Synchronization of external systems
Synchronization and piloting external systems (CAD, PDM, ERP, CRM)
Generation of product documents
Configuration and generation of documents related to the product in different formats such as: Excel, World, PDF.
Product configuration
Workflow configuration
Project configuration and phases
Project and job orders configuration with phases, workflows, planning of activities and resources involved.
Project Classifications
Dynamic design classification with attributes and values in a guided configuration.
Project data sharing
Automation for rule-based data sharing.
Responsibility and task distribution
Planning activities, report sending, alert, reminder.
Synchronizations with company applications in use
Synchronization with ERP, CRM, DMS, PDM systems.
Custom forms for data collection
Different types of fields available to collect data in guided mode using custom forms.
Automatic generation of spare parts catalogs from CAD models
Automatic generation of catalogs for accessories and spare parts for 3D models and 2D drawings. Starting from the links of the assembly files, RuleDesigner processes the list of models and it generates the html pages of the spare parts catalog. Generation of boards with sensitive areas for browsing components.
Generation of documents with spare-parts
Generation of information, data and documents for the spare parts, Publication of catalogues and related information documents. Publication in web portal and Browsing Catalogs, User Manuals, Schemes and any other document of interest associated with the product. The process of publication of the pages allows to display the graphic part of the spare-part catalog, inherits information, attributes and documents from the CAD system in use and it generates the BOM of the configurable product.
Generation of browsing graphic structure
The catalog can be consulted graphically or by browsing automatically the generated product structure. The multilingual graphical interface with codes/parts is displayed directly on boards by sensitive areas.
Configuration and management of purchase orders from the portal
Controlled access for user groups via web, browsing and researching parts in graphical, hierarchical and filtering mode. The research and visualization of technical documents (technical files, installation and manuals, electrical and hydraulic diagrams, bulletins, technical notes and technical drawings…)
Automation in the workflow offer and back office.
Automation and management of workflow offer for service intervention and spare parts replacement.
Spare-parts Configurator
Integration with personal production applications
Pilot single features of personal production software to create and edit documents automatically.
Integration with Microsoft Office Suite
Integration with Microsoft Office Suite
- Reading/ Writing cell contents
- Execution of operations on excel sheets
Integration with Microsoft Word
- Research and replace text
- Execution of operation with a bookmark
- Execution of word operations on documents
Integration with Microsoft Visio
- Create Visio document
- Shape positioning
- Analysis and execution of a text string with a sequence of assembly instructions
Integration with Adobe InDesign
- Document creation
- Document activation
- Operations on books and documents
- Add frame to active documents
- Replacing master pages
- Table of contents management
- Importing styles from templates
- Import/Export xml data from document
- Text replacement
- Run script
Configuration access requests to corporate IT services
The IT service requests made by the internal collaborators, it may include, for example, the need of a laptop, maintenance intervention, accounts and company portals or e-mails. They can take place through configuration processes that pilot the request fulfilment workflow by notifying the internal referents.
Configuration of ticketing service
RuleDesigner Configurator can be applied to the malfunction field, change or non-compliance (ECR) with the ability to automate the planning of change projects (ECO).
Configuration requests for new articles or spare parts
Configuration requests of new articles/ products with open feasibility project, quotation production and documentation.
Service contract configuration
Configuration of contract services and request fulfilment based on configured workflows.
Service process configuration
RuleDesigner Configurator allows to improve the lead time to individual customer requests thanks to the ability of mapping and automating operative workflows starting from the customer service up to the technical areas (industrial engineering, technical department, R&D) sales, quality and production.
Integration with RuleDesigner modules
Pilot RuleDesigner single functions modules to achieve the highest level of customization and process automation.
DataBase operations
Query and update data stored in the company database