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Create a digital thread for the Product Customization process

Discover the indispensable technological features for a successful and long-lasting implementation of the product configurator

The product configuration: strategy and technology

The product configuration, understood as an operational strategy, engages and affects multiple internal business processes: from product design, to the sales cycle, order processing, from planning and order organization to after-sales services.

Furthermore, by looking at the aspect of collaborative relationships, the product configuration also involves customers and business partners as active parties, posing new challenges but at the same time providing new development opportunities.

The product configurator, that is the enabling technology, must therefore be equipped with certain characteristics in order to respond to needs that mature at the level of an extended company.

The product configuration: strategy and technology

The product configuration, understood as an operational strategy, engages and affects multiple internal business processes: from product design, to the sales cycle, order processing, from planning and order organization to after-sales services.

Furthermore, by looking at the aspect of collaborative relationships, the product configuration also involves customers and business partners as active parties, posing new challenges but at the same time providing new development opportunities.

The product configurator, that is the enabling technology, must therefore be equipped with certain characteristics in order to respond to needs that mature at the level of an extended company.

State of the art in companies and critical issues

The approaches to the implementation of this type of systems that have spread in manufacturing are varied and sometimes hide critical issues:

Development of in-house solutions

The configurations are managed through spreadsheets or customized software able to respond quickly to specific and vertical needs but which over time, in the first case become complicated to maintain and in the second are at risk of obsolescence and not scalable.

Specialistic configurators

The configuration functions are realized through specialized applications, therefore focused on a particular aspect, which proliferate over time without an organic vision.

Configurators integrated in ERP, CRM, PDM o CAD

The configurations are seen as mere extensions of the functions of the individual applications within which they are made available (eg. ERP, CRM, CAD) but not applicable outside of them and therefore useful for marginal needs but already intrinsically limited in terms of applicability.
In summary, all these approaches lead to having to face problems of: integration between different methodologies and configuration domains, duplication of rules, fragmentation of the knowledge base, technological obsolescence and limitation in the application potential.

Do you have a similar situation in your company and need to intervene? CONTACT US

The RuleDesigner proposal

The innovativeness and uniqueness of RuleDesigner is given by the integration of application areas that normally do not find a suitable enabling technology in the company or are managed by a pool of heterogeneous applications.

Enterprise configurator external to company applications but able to control them

The RuleDesigner configurator is a low-code framework that allows you to model automation processes in multiple domains, as it is able to drive business applications.

RuleDesigner Configurator is equipped with a collaborative platform that embraces extended business processes, organized in self-consistent functional modules.

RuleDesigner integrates perfectly with the existing IT ecosystem through specific integrations (CAD, PDM, ERP, Personal Production Software ...), ready-made actions to read / write from databases, manipulate lists, make calls to Web services, send and -mail and has a complete REST API for integration with any business system.

By placing itself outside the applications it allows to adopt an approach to the definition of the rules that goes beyond the specific functioning of the single applications allowing to centralize the formalization of the procedures and to preserve the company know-how.

Features at enterprise level


More transparent processes and results
Application of procedure and reduction of ambiguities
Better process quality
More productivity and performance measurability
Time and cost reduction in end-to-end processes


Overcoming system fragmentation
Removal of silos and improved collaboration
Effective accessibility to data
Improved understanding of processes interconnections
Real-time visibility of business performance


Advanced process governance
Better operational efficiency
Process Scalability
More effective use of HR
Competitive edge against competition


The unparelleled solution that interconnects business departments


Salesforce automation


Plan and monitor workflows and job orders


Supports task and organize technical data


Increase standards of your customer services


Integrated and functionally extended solution that embraces all aspects of PLM by integrating and contextualizing them in business processes at enterprise level.


Highly configurable solution and , therefore, suitable for multiple , changing operational contexts to meet the peculiarities of different business realities.


The low-code development framework allows to create applications that extend its functional scope.


It is permeated by a collaborative layer that allows internal users and corporate stakeholders to actively participate in corporate workflows.


The low-code development framework allow to introduce an high level of automation in processes and workflows .


RuleDesigner can integrate and interconnect with the application ecosystem already in use by an organization.


Thanks to the entirely web-based technology, it provides a tool suitable for distributed work and for real-time access to information wherever you are.


to model organizational processes in a hyper-parametric way, facilitating adherence to lean principles and the management of continuous change in accordance with the company’s strategic goals.


BPM solution capable of acting transversally on all business processes, being the perfect complement to the ERP system.


Elimination of bottlenecks, guarantee of persistence of data, documents and procedures thanks to a collaborative layer on processes that integrates the internal and external functions of the supply chain and the global corporate ecosystem.


Automation processes perfectly integrated into company workflows for maximum execution efficiency and homogeneity of behaviour.


The ability to implement natively integrated self-consistent modules allows you to approach digitization projects in a gradual and far-sighted way.


Submit your request to schedule a visit with our experts to understand better how RuleDesigner can meet your business needs.


If you want to understand how RuleDesigner meets your business and industry needs, ask for a custom demonstration.


RuleDesigner staff will illustrate and show live different application examples of the solutions you are more interested in.

Let's set your goals together

Let us know what you think. Do you have a question for us? Please ask.

Corporate culture is being stressed by new paradigms that allow surprising results to be achieved in terms of design quality, costs and people involvement. The role of the integration technology between the various platforms and RuleDesigner proved to be the only solution that could guarantee the management of the company's enormous historical heritage, guaranteeing a modernization in the flows and methodologies of each individual role

Gabriele CaccinTechnical Information Systems Manager

The introduction of the No-Code approach has made it possible to activate simpler and more flexible management of the configurator. For me it was a real revolution because I went from having to depend on the supplier for any changes to implementing and testing the changes myself.

Giovanni OstacchiniTechnical Sales Manager - Koenig & Bauer

A Lean corporate management philosophy combined with the implementation of RuleDesigner®, as the company's reference information system, has allowed us to obtain complete, real-time visibility of the order status, converging towards a customer-oriented vision at the lowest cost

Operation Manager - Modulblok spaAndrea Peressi
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