The marketing management environment allows you to create and shedule corporate campaigns. The campaign sheet is a container of cross-functional information, where it is possible to consult: recipients, feedback, opportunity and activities and statistics. The typology, are configured according to their needs, allow to manage all the possible marketing campaigns: email, events, fairs, promotions, telemarketing, survey…
RuleDesigner CRM for Sales
Customer relationship management integrated with PLM processes.
Content management
Administration tools allow to publish independently contents based on business templates. Managing workflows means creating and updating contents, setting approval rules, defining how long contents can be seen and storing all previous and current contents in one single repository.
Content publishing
Data from Web Services (News, Feed, Reader…) can be published and informative panels can be structured in configurable gadgets (widget).
Informative portals and dashboards
Tools for creating reserved areas for customers, suppliers and partners with several detailed information that can be consulted only by certain users or groups on account basis.
Lead Web traceability
Leads are managed by tracking web sites traffic and visitors. Through specific tools it is also possible to generate statistics about accesses to specific contents. Moreover, feedbacks of marketing campaigns can be automatically stored in the related campaign dashboard and linked to the related company. Dynamic data and information panels make the relationship
between companies and stakeholder easier.
Contact Sales Management
Tools for the management of the contacts and the import of new sales contacts from external resources. Dynamic company’s personal data with the possibility to insert relationships and contacts with roles and belonging departments
Customer personal data
The company personal data tracks in a structured and an easy way the contact, partners information and activities related to it. For each company it is possible to track both personal and relationship data. In fact, it is possible to define the network of relationships that may exist among different companies (holding company, suppliers, partner, customer, industrial group). It is possible to define for each company a role and the company function. Beside the company portal, there is the possibility to consult information such as: run and planned activities, documents, purchased product, offers and job orders and help-desk ticket.
Advanced search
Information can be easily retrieved through advanced searches in the contact databases by applying filters and dynamic attributes and by saving then all outputs obtained. Information can be also acquired thanks to cross-sectional searches using tools such as company or contact panels or with specific myhome gadgets. Searches can be saved, bookmarks can be defined and certain operations can be run on the outputs obtained.
Client Base
Sales Forecast
Sales Opportunity Management
Sales opportunities together with progress status workflows and connected activities can be structured through specific tools. Each salesman has the possibility to monitor his own activities and track all phases of a business negotiation including checklists. Among these tools there are also forecasting tools with a list of all ongoing negotiations and permissions set on the basis of the position users have in the company.
Offers and Orders
Tools for generating business offers by managing their configurable approval workflows and versioning. Offers can be even automatically tracked and stored in the right company panel and exported in different formats like PDF or Excel. Once offers are approved, they turn into purchasing orders following a specific workflow until the fulfilment. The orders are notified to the correct referents, tracked and archived in the correct repository.
Activities, Agenda and Planner
Tools for planning tasks with workflows and dynamic and configurable typologies, personal agenda containing daily, weekly or monthly previews and global planners of company activities.
Thanks to myhome gadgets users can receive and have an overview of all assigned activities.
Myhome with thematic gadgets
Each salesman can configure his own myhome thanks to configurable gadgets. This way it is possible for salesmen to quickly and easily consult all information useful to carry out their activities, such as planned and received tasks, assigned leads and ongoing opportunities, issued offers or orders to be fulfilled.
Planned activities
Dashboard and Report
Dashboard for monitoring the performance
A set of tools for configuring dashboards with statistics, graphics and concise data is available. These tools help monitoring sales performances and enable managers and sales directors to immediately check on the sales pipeline with the possibility to consult all data in real time. All these information are useful for salesmen to take effective decisions and achieve strategic objectives, monitoring the entire business performances for each business unit or for individual salesperson.
Queries, Extractions and Reports
Tools for creating and saving queries with the possibility to have a graphical representation of data and to extract them in configurable reports (PDF, HTML, Excel format).
Documents acquisition
RuleDesigner allows to acquire and archive files and documents in any formats. The acquisition can take place by a single document or in a massive way with subsequent classification. It is possible to define the acquisition sources to automatically import and schedule documents. Stored documents can also take place directly through other applications or web services.
Creation from template
It is possible to create documents starting from template by parameterizing the attribute within the documents.
Each document archived can be classified based on configurable specifications “document classes”. Documents can be related to different entities managed by RuleDesigner, such as companies, people, products, projects, serial number, offers and orders…)
For each category, it is possible to define security levels to determine people/groups enabled for access or modification, they will be inherited by all the documents of this category. It is possible to specify custom securities for each single document.
Possibility to define classification attributes for each kind of document. The dynamic and configurable properties can be connected to each other, defining their relations with a rule-based logic.
Folder management
The module allows to organize archived documents in virtual folders. The documents in the folder can be imported by the file system with a simple drag & drop, dragging individual documents or the entire folder into the file. The creation of new documents (text, calculus papers or presentations), can take place starting from a custom model.
Automatically e-mail storage
One of the main aspects of tracking information is linked to mail management. As a matter of fact the most important communication and exchange of documents take place via mail. RuleDesigner is able to track and intercept all sent/received emails, to check their content and to store them as a document. It happens without having to change mail server or client.
For each category of document it is possible to define a specific approval process and levels of intermediate authorization up to the distribution and the sharing. The approval requests are notified in real time to the interested people, able to act on the mobility of the workflow.
The sharing of documents can take place with single company collaborators or groups based on roles and functions. Sharing can take place also with external users (of the company) based on their classification (customers, suppliers or reseller), who can view all the related documentation by accessing to dedicated portals.
The processed documents can be automatically assigned by the system to specific groups of users through MyHome or the system signalization.
Organization chart and distribution lists
RuleDesigner allows to define the company organization chart with roles and functions by each collaborator, also managing the distribution lists through which notifying changes on documents.
Advanced research
The research on archive documents can take place in different ways: for attributes, free research or for graphical navigation of logic folders. Documents can be quickly individuated through the configuration of research custom profiles. The research results can be displayed as a list grid or as a preview document.
Document revision
Documents revision functions are available to track changes over time and it makes possible to consult all the document revisions and the details of the actions made by the users on the document itself.
Microsoft Office Integration
The integration with Microsoft Office allows to create and edit your documents directly from Word or Excel environments by executing archives or extractions with optimization functions in file transfer.
Log Document
For each document all the actions are tracked for each revisions from both internal and external users (consulting, editing or revision).
Annotations and chats
Possibility to insert annotations in documents and use integrated chat tools to start contextualized discussion thread.
Document boards
The classification allows to organize documents in thematic gadgets to be used to compose customized user pages.
Synchronization with the company applications in use
Possibility to activate synchronizations with business applications to purchase, update or delate documents by sharing them in one single integrated and updated portal in real time.
Coordination of the teamwork
Through an environment dedicated to the project management, it is possible to coordinate activities of a team work to create technical folders or other documents that require the participation of more business functions.
Sales notes
By integrating the repository with the projects and orders management, it is possible to provide a fast and secure consultation of the document heritage, achieving a drastic reduction of lead and release time of the official document (Product requirements, Project Specifications, Work package) in an integrated mode to the management of the collaborative process.
Product documentation
The repository integration with the PLM management allows to gather and share all the product documents along its life-cycle with the collaborators or with the company stakeholders.
Document configurator
The configuration processes can be applied to the repository for the automatic generation of technical files, catalogues or price lists in a standard and homogeneous mode. RuleDesigner Configurator can produce documents in many output formats (Microsoft Office, Adobe InDesign, pdf and html) and archive them automatically in the document management.
Communications, documents and contracts
Integrations and synchronizations with ERP systems
It is possible to synchronize bi-directionally the technical data stored in RuleDesigner with external ERP/MRP systems such as: customers, job orders, documents, invoices…
RuleDesigner in action
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