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Spare Parts

Arrange the right parts, at the right time and in the right place, meeting the needs of your customers.


RuleDesigner capabilities for the online spare-parts management

Automatically generate spare-parts catalogues

The generation process interfaces directly with the company applications (ERP systems, Microsoft Excel calculation sheets, PDM/PLM applications, 2D/3D CAD files) as data sources for the catalogs of accessories and spare parts.

For the purpose of generating spare parts catalogs, they can be inherited from different sources: product assembly structure with related hierarchical links, tables, codes, properties, attributes, spare parts bombs, graphic sources and documents.

The automatic creation process starts from the CAD files (assembly/ parts/ tables), it processes the list of models, it generates the html pages of the spare-parts catalogue with images of tables within Hyperlinks and PDF 3D model, it generates the BOM configured and it also makes available all the information, attributes and documents in the web portal.

Generation of the spare-parts catalogue

Automatic and custom creation of spare-parts and lists related to products/models for the publication via web or on file (PDF, XLS, Word, InDesign)

For each component in the spare-part bom, the process generates output documents suitable for browsing in the web portal and multimedia support or for printing. Specifically, the process generates images, browsing html files, PDF and 3D PDF.

Spare-parts BOM, graphic sources and documents acquired by multiple sources

The process aimed at generating catalogues acquires data from different sources:

  • The spare-part BOM from the ERP systems, excel documents, PDM systems, CAD file
  • Graphic sources to produce images or 3D pdf from technical drafts and CAD tables
  • Descriptive documents related to a part number/product by the document systems and filesystem

Production of catalogues for web browsing, multimedia support or printing.

For each component in the part list, the process generates output documents suitable for web portal browsing and multimedia support for printing. Specifically, the process generates images, browsing html files, PDF and 3D PDF. The catalogues have hyperlinks with links that allow to browse the product structure graphically and consult complete information, such as attribute tables, data sheets or manual.

Product/ Spare-parts catalogue management

There is the possibility to consult product information sheets within: components structure, warranties and active contracts, ticket, product certifications, technical files, manuals and video. It is possible to associate an unlimited number of files (pdf, doc, xls, dwg,dxf, mov, vmw, ecc.) to the models of machines that create the catalogue.

Multibrand / multicompany portal

It is possible to configure specific multibrand/multicompany spare-parts portals for different targets (customers, prospects, retailers). Informative portals can have sections dedicated to contents, documents and profiled access to the spare-parts.

Multiple ways to search for serial numbers /spare parts

The browsing takes place graphically, hierarchically or through search filters. The multilingual web interface through sensitive areas on tables display the detailed sub-parts information. The catalogues represent a group for each Product/ Serial number family with the options of displaying BOM and web files.

Exploration of spare-parts catalogue: tables with Hyperlinks and 3D PDF

Browsing information and documentation related to each spare-part graphically, hierarchically or through research filters. Graphic interface of multilingual web through Hyperlinks to part-numbers/parts displayed directly on tables.

Multilingual management

Multilingual environment for web navigation and consultation

Purchase request management

Customers can select spare-parts and forward requests to get product quotations and custom services.

Shopping cart and job order submission

Preparation and forward requests of purchase orders through E-Commerce tools that allow to verify or define shipping conditions, courier, payment methods and bank support. Thanks to the integration with the sales back-office, the complete workflow management of the order fulfilment is pledged.

Purchase history

Job order management capabilities allow customers to consult and reorder past orders, check the status of the orders, track the shipments and even view the invoices.

Spare-parts portals

RuleDesigner allows to create extranet portals for the customers, agents and resellers access in order to consult and purchase the interactive spare-parts catalogues. Once the user is logged to the web portal he/she can consult the list of the purchased products and all the documentation related to it: Browsing catalogue, Manuals, Schemes, tutorial video and any kind of document associated to the product.

Back-end portal for internal use

RuleDesigner has a back-end administrative environment where the customer service can manage the access to the account, customer base, products, spare parts and job order fulfilment. The complete workflow for the management of the spare-parts and customer order fulfilment is configured to support any kind of business reality.

Account user management

Tools for the management of the spare-parts access in the portal. Costum approval workflow that can foresee the customer classification, the verification of the sales conditions, the product lines, the payment terms, the account user management and the release of the account.

Custom registration form

It is possible to configure data entry forms for the activation request of the account that is adapted to different choices of the user. Therefore, it is possible to provide the insertion of some information based on the inputs entered by the user, introduce the courier management, the delivery terms and the priority management.

Management of customer base

The company record has all the contact information, collaborators and activities in a structured and easily way to trace.  It is possible to track for each company both the classification and the data relationships. In fact, you can define the network relationships that may exist among different companies (holding, supplier, partner, customer, industrial group). It is possible to define for each contact its role and its company function. Moreover, it is possible to consult other information in the same company portal such as: tasks that are executed or planned, documents, purchase products, offers, job orders and help-desk ticket.

Serial number/ spare parts Management

Product data management with dynamic and configurable classification property, versioning, product structure, customers, documents and offers.

Offers and Orders management

Tools for issuing sales offers with configurable approval workflow. Traceability and automatically archive customer files with the possibility to export different output formats such as : Pdf and Excel. The offers approved and accepted are converted into orders that follow their own workflow until the fulfilment. All orders are notified to the correct contacts, tracked and stored in the correct repository.

Content editor

Creation environment used to create, edit and publish custom contents.

Monitor and system access management

Monitoring and system access management in real time ensuring different levels of visibility and high security standards.

Statistics and custom reports

Possibility of monitoring job order, configuration of statistics, periodic reports on user operations, customer orders, system log in real-time.

Management of product-customer relationships for custom user experience

It is possible to trace the product- customer relationship to make visible to users only the serial-number purchased and the spare-parts catalogues. An additional level of security can be applied to the catalogues, as individual users, groups or companies.

Product Serial Numbers

Each product has a single informative panel to consult multimedia contents, information related to the components structures, attached documents, pdm part-numbers, contacts, warranties, offers, job orders, customers, tasks, tickets, reports and projects.

Products/ Services catalogues

Possibility to display product information sheets in consultation with: components structure, warranties, active contracts, tickets, product certifications, technical files, manuals and video. It is possible to associate an unlimited number of files (pdf, doc, xls, dwg,dxf, mov, vmw, ecc.) to machines that make up the catalogue

Management of product documents

The product sheet is the repository of the all documents collected in the PLM workflow, which are grouped by typologies and shared with users and departments.

Management of Contracts and Warranties

Integrated tools for the management of service contracts and warranties stipulated with the customer and linked to the serial number.

Support for multiple price lists

Management of multi-price list to allocate different conditions based on the country, purchase volumes or sector.

Structure product and spare parts management

The product structure represents the list of parts and subparts that constitute the product at the time of the serial number/sales to the customer. This allows to trace the exactly configuration of the product owned by each specific costumer for the use of the service.

Service ticket management

For each product/ serial number it is possible to manage and track ticket/reports in the service environment.

Product/ Service Index

The product and part-number research is supported by pages that allow the use of multiple attributes and research parameters. In few seconds the customer service is able to trace the exact configuration of the product used by the customer.

Access securities for consultation / modification of data

It is possible to give access rules in consultation or updating product information on the company chart

Report and Statistics

It is possible to monitor the glant of the activity for all the team work or other product information through configurable dashboards and quick consultation with statistics and graphics updated in real-time.

Product configuration management

Communications, Documents, Contracts

Users can consult published documents linked to the product: technical files, manuals and instruction manuals, brochure, marketing documents, list prices and sales documents, electrical and hydraulic charts and any other configured typology.

Users can also access to informative dashboards such as: product news, highlights, video, Web-Services data (News, Feed, Reader…)

Repository for Contracts and Documents

The document management system is already integrated and it supports the processes of creating, updating and archiving files in the correct corporate repository in an organized way. Thanks to the integration it is possible to connect documents of any type to the correct company, tracing the relations with the customer and shared documents.

Automatically e-mail storage

One of the main aspects of tracking information is linked to mail management. As a matter of fact the most important communication and exchange of documents take place via mail. RuleDesigner is able to track and intercept all sent/received emails, to check their content and to store them in the right company panel, connecting them to the right persons or projects and making sure that users don’t need to do it manually.

Collaboration tools

Collaboration business tools are integrated for the sales partner contact. Notification tools to immediately advice users (Chat, email, Task with alerts, Post it…)

Document informative panel

Each document has a single informative panel where all the files are stored with indication of connected entities, security and rules of visibility.

Dynamic classification attributes

Possibility to define dynamic classification attributes for any kind of document. Dynamic and configurable properties can be linked to each other, defining implication of relations with a rule-based logic.

Types of document management

Possibility to define custom typologies for the classification of business documents. For each typology you can set security, visibility rules and actions.

Advanced searches

Documents can be easily retrieved through advanced searches such as: full text, filters application on dynamic properties, access to connected entities and structured navigation with logical folders.

Cross-functional consultation

The functionalities of being connected to the company panels, PDM part-numbers, projects, products and tickets mean that an additional level of organization can be obtained to have a cross-functional consultation of documents.

Configurable approval workflow

Ability to configure approval workflow based on typologies and sending automatic notifications to distribution lists which are made up of companies, offices or users.

Security based on charts and relationships

Sharing documents take place once the rights of access and the rights on capabilities are defined. The right of access determine who can access to the system and which kind of documents can consult. The rights on capabilities define which actions on document a user or a group of users can take.

Integrations and synchronizations with ERP systems

It is possible to synchronize store data bi-directionally in RuleDesigner with external ERP/MRP systems such as: customers, BOMs, documents, invoices…


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